Joerg sat down with famous video game composer Chris Huelsbeck live at the museum, and on Twitch
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Ever wondered who this voice is you hear in the speech of "Ghostbusters" for the C64 and Atari? Who invented speech synthesis and speech recognition? Forrest Mozer did! In our interview with him he talks about his invention and the story behind it!
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Peter "Franky" Smets from Rastermania.be is an arcade collector and dealer through and through. In his talk with Joerg Droege from Sceneworld.org he talks about his experiences and WTF experiences on his tours through the warehouses of Europe.
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Marketing manager of Commdore in the 80s. Co-invented the first analog modem, first real time online chat and marketed the first 'home computers' for the masses.
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David Pleasance is a former employee of Commodore UK who had too many titles and his career at Commodore to list them all here! In this interview he says very outspoken and directly what he thought about some actions of some employees at Commodore.
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Dave Lowe AKA Uncle Art is a known composer for video games that he did the music for between 1985 and 1998. In this interview, he tells about this daily life as a composer, the challenges of making new pieces of music for games under great time pressure.
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former Commodore International chief engineer on high end and advanced projects. He is still quite vocal in the Amiga community.
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Chuck Peddle is an electronic engineer and was a hardware engineer at Commodore. He did the PET computer and invented the famous 6502 micro chip, the first chip that was really cheap and powerful and found its way into the C64,& many more devices nowadays
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How it was to pioneer in German web.TV. We talk to Christian Spanik about pioneering in web TV (Chip.TV, Sony Vaio.TV, etc) in Germany's 90s
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Christian Spanik Interview for Scene World Magazine - Part 1 - How I got into journalism and writing books This is the first part of the new interview series in which the German TV journalist dinosaur talks about this adventure and way and experiences
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