Scene World Magazine

The most eclectic and the world's only Commodore 64 NTSC & PAL diskmag

here we go again, fully packed with all kinds of stuff, from meeting reports, to reviews, interviews, programming fun with Richard and some more things! Disk cover by Sekator, a real discover artist from Poland! Also first time that Micki Diederich contributes with a meeting report from VCF SoCal 2024 from the point of view of being the organizer!

Download Scene World #34

Published July 2024

Scene World #34 Diskcover

Scene World #34

here we go again, fully packed with all kinds of stuff, from meeting reports, to reviews, interviews, programming fun with Richard and some more things! Disk cover by Sekator, a real discover artist from Poland! Also first time that Micki Diederich contributes with a meeting report from VCF SoCal 2024 from the point of view of being the organizer!

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Issue 34

  • Editorial by Richard
  • SWO  Help & Credits
  • Feedback (Dersion)
  • PAL News (Black)
  • NTSC News (Alwyz)
  • App News (Richard)
  • Scene News (Richard)
Game News
  • C64 Game News (Richard)
Tech Corner
  • Exploring the Turbo Coder 64  (Richard)
  • Book Scene (Merman)

  • ZZap! 64 Live 2023 (Richard)
  • VCF SoCal 2024 (Micki Diederich)

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Scene World Mag Issues

Scene World #33

Scene World #33

We vibe hartd on the past with this issue, down from cracking in 2023, to Nafcom's 25th scene anniversary, to reviews, interviews, programming fun with Richard and some more things! Disk cover by Nodepond! Also first time that our PR Assistant Remute contributes an exclusive… read full description

August 2023

Scene World #33

We vibe hartd on the past with this issue, down from cracking in 2023, to Nafcom's 25th scene anniversary, to reviews, interviews, programming fun with Richard and some more things! Disk cover by Nodepond! Also first time that our PR Assistant Remute contributes an exclusive piece of music.

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Issue 33

  • Editorial by Richard
  • SWO  Help & Credits
Game News
  • C64 Games news (Richard)
  • 25 Years In The Scene (Nafcom)
  • Revision 2023 (Nodepond)
  • Nordichsound Interview (Merman)
  • Cracking in 2023 (Merman)
  • Evercade C64 review (Merman)
  • (Richard)
General News
  • Meatloaf / CSDb (Jon)
  • NTSC News (Jon)
  • BBS News (Jon)
  • Scene News (Richard)


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Scene World #32

Scene World #32

A chapter full of party reports! the Game Coding Part 7 with game, interviews (Merman's 5 Minutes Of Fame), and some more things! Disk cover by Nodepond!

November 2022

Scene World #32

A chapter full of party reports! the Game Coding Part 7 with game, interviews (Merman's 5 Minutes Of Fame), and some more things! Disk cover by Nodepond!

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Issue 32

  • Editorial by Richard
  • SWO  Help & Credits
  • 5 Minutes of Fame (Merman)
Party Scene
  • Gamescom 2022 (Altraz)
  • Floppy Totaal (Drake)
  • VCF Midwest Meeting (Jon)
  • Game Coding 7 (Richard)
  • Making a Tape Loader Game (Richard)

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Scene World #31

Scene World #31

A chapter full of party reports! theC64 Programming Challenge with game, interviews about the Russian demoscene and its history (in memory of Coolhand who did the first Russian demoscene connection which resulted in article for Driven back in 1994), Covid-19 chapter, and… read full description

April 2022

Scene World #31

A chapter full of party reports! theC64 Programming Challenge with game, interviews about the Russian demoscene and its history (in memory of Coolhand who did the first Russian demoscene connection which resulted in article for Driven back in 1994), Covid-19 chapter, and many more things! Disk cover by Laura.

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Issue 31

  • Editorial by Richard
  • Feedback (Derision & co)
  • SWO  Help & Credits
Party Scene
  • My 64 Scene Thirty Two Years Gone (Jon)
  • Lovebyte 2021 (Nodepond)
  • Revision 2021 (Altraz)
Tech Corner
  • theC64 Programming Challenge (Richard)
  • Art Of Preservation (Jon)
  • 8-Bit Education (Jon)
Games Scene
  • Games News 2021&2022 (Richard)
  • Antstream Activate (Merman)
  • Zzap is back (Merman)
  • Zzap Megatape Exclusives (Richard) 

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The Crew

The Scene World Magazine is a group of 20-something geeks with interest in C64 and gaming. with 2 issues aiming 1 for summer and 1 for winter, the group works together on new issues interviewing old and new faces of the Commodore C64 world. We are a group of internationals and communicate via Facebook. We're from Germany, States, UK, Peru ...

Altraz – Editor, Composer | Alwyz – Diskmag Editor, Net Trader | Black – Coder | Cercamon – Webmaster | Crome – Musician | Derision – Graphician, Diskmag Editor | Drake – Diskmag Editor, Graphician | Frank - Reviews  | Merman - Composer, Editor | Nafcom – Net Trader, Diskmag Editor, Organizer | Nodepond – Graphician - Web Emulator | pcollins – Webmaster | Retromantis – Graphician, Logo Graphician, Fullscreen Graphician | Rhakimdar - Reviews | Richard – Musician, Diskmag Editor, Coder | Scorpion – Diskmag Editor, Layouter, Proofreader - Web Emulator |  Remute - PR | Wolf - Video Editor

"I recognized some names: Lee Novak and MacBeth. Your magazine has inspired me to try and get in touch with these guys. Keep up the SCENE!" Fender Tucker, March 12

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