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Podcast Episode #115 - Uncensored Library Part 2

We are talking to Emmanuel Colombié from RSF Latin America. Learn about the state of press freedom in Brazil and the work of Reporters Without Borders. Spoiler Alter: Nearly all indicators are flashing red in Latin America and the coronavirus crisis has exacerbated an already complex and hostile environment for journalists... Interview starts at 14:52

Posted by Nafcom on May 10, 2021 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #89 - The Uncensored Library

The world is a weird place right now, and censorship of the press has become widespread. Reporters Without Borders have created a unique way to get around this: censored articles become uncensored books inside Minecraft. AJ and Joerg talk to Reporters Without Borders' Kristin Baesse about The Uncensored Library, and how it, and Minecraft, is being used to bring the truth back into countries without press freedom. (Interview begins at 21:00)

Posted by AJ on May 24, 2020 // Read more »

Video Interview with Forrest S. Mozer

Ever wondered who this voice is you hear in the speech of "Ghostbusters" for the C64 and Atari?

Posted by Nafcom on Nov 08, 2016 // Read more »