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Podcast Episode #111 - Repair Cafes with Martine Postma

When Martine Postma was done with the "throw away and buy new" behavior of society, she had no idea that her idea for a repair cafe where the layman can come in and get help repairing their electronic devices, would cause international awareness. Nowadays repair cafes are spread all around the world! Learn her story how it all started, how it moved the society back to a more repair-than-bin mentality, and how it helps the #righttorepair movement despite she is not officially a part of it. (Interview begins at 6:30)

Posted by AJ on Mar 17, 2021 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #84 - Right to Repair South Africa with Gunther Schmitz

If you thought that the Right to Repair was limited to Europe and North America, you were totally wrong! Being able to repair your own stuff is an important topic all over the world, including Africa. Joerg and AJ talk with Gunther Schmitz of Right to Repair South Africa about how this topic relates to his unique neck of the woods, and ways that this is important for more than just us tech nerds. (Interview begins at 10:15)

Posted by AJ on Feb 25, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #71 - The Repair Association with Gay Gordon-Byrne

Gay Gordon-Byrne is the Executive Director of The Repair Association, and is one of the foremost voices in the Right to Repair movement. She joins AJ and Joerg to finish up Scene World's Right to Repair Month [obnoxious air horn], to discuss why the right to repair is so important, the ways in which we're losing this right, and how everyone can help to keep the right to repair. (interview begins at 8:55)

Posted by AJ on Jul 16, 2019 // Read more »