In our new podcast episode we speak with Deniz Orbay who is not only one of the most well known Neo Geo collectors, but also THE expert for retrogame imports from Japan. Get ready for some interesting insights and facts about the history and current state of retrogaming in Japan...Interview starts at 25:37
Hello World!
We are happy to have one of the most prolific Chiptune musicians in our podcast - Tronimal.
He released music for the Gameboy, ZX Spectrum and even the TI-82 calculator!
Besides some tech talk, the virtuoso gives us some interesting insights and talks about his upcoming projects.
Interview starts at 18:12.
Retro music is in right now, but few people have taken it to the lengths that Remute has, releasing his songs not just on vinyl and digital download, but also on cartridge and floppy disk! Joerg, Martin, and AJ talk to him about why he chose this medium, and the unique challenges associated with releasing music on such unusual platforms. (Interview begins at 22:40)