Sarunas Ledas has a rich story in the game industry, starting out in the fan-made Broken Sword 2.5, becoming the co-owner of the Lithuanian game studio Tag of Joy which released Crowns And Pawns, to the upcoming sequel of A Vampyre Story in co-operation with famous point and click adventure pioneer Bill Tiller. We talk about the whole journey he took from making a hobby due to his love for games to a living. Enjoy! The interview starts at minute 48:02
Our staffer Rhakimdar has a closer look at Revolution Software's
latest PointAndClick adventure game release: Broken Sword Reforged!
What is in it for the all-time fans? What is in it for the nowadays folks? What are the good and the bad of the reforged edition over the original 1996 release or even the later-on Director's Cut? Rhakimdar gets his detective gear out and finds out!
In our new episode we welcome Marius Gosch, one of the founders of the Broken Sword 2.5 project. He'll tell us about some insights and his work as a story- and puzzle writer on this amazing fan-made Broken Sword 2 sequel of the adventure classic. The interview section starts at minute 1:43:08
Tune in and enjoy!
In our new episode we are talking with Charles Cecil.
He is a British video game designer and founder of Revolution Software, best known for games like Broken Sword or Beneath a Steel Sky. The interview section starts at minute 1:03:08