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Ep. #195 - Brett Weiss

In this exciting episode, we dive into the vibrant world of retro gaming with special guest Brett Weiss! Brett is an author, historian, and a true connoisseur of classic video games. With a deep passion for gaming history, Brett has penned several books, including the acclaimed "Classic Home Video Games" series and "The 100 Greatest Console Video Games: 1977-1987" and his more recent "The (S)NES Omnibus" book series. Brett Weiss has been a professional writer since 1997. His work has appeared in numerous publications, and he is a frequent speaker at gaming conventions. Brett’s website is a treasure trove of articles, book excerpts, and gaming insights, too. The interview starts at minute 12:02

Posted by Nafcom on Jul 31, 2024 // Read more »

Ep. #186 - Brazilian video game history with Chirinea

In our new episode we are talking with Guilherme Chirinéa, a Youtuber from Brazil covering vintage videogames history and doing vgm cover music. His collection of Master System videos is pretty impressive, also he runs an extensive encyclopedia of Brazilian video game history! The interview parts starts at minute 24:23

Posted by Nafcom on Mar 21, 2024 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #151 - The ATARI Dig Part 2 - Joseph Lewandowski and Richard Griffith

In our new episode we welcome back Joseph Lewandowski to talk about him selling some more cartridges from the ATARI Dig from 2014, as well as the ATARI story from Richard Griffith who does restore ATARI consoles for a living back into mint condition. Interview starts at minute 17:38

Posted by Nafcom on Oct 29, 2022 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #150 - Floppy Totaal

In our new episode we welcome Floppy Totaal . These amazing people from the Netherlands are 100% into floppy disks! They are keeping the spirit alive with events and even a book called 'Floppy Disk Fever'. Enjoy! Interview starts at minute 19:08

Posted by Nafcom on Oct 13, 2022 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #140 - Retro and gaming preservation in Hong Kong with Dixon Wu of

It's time again for a new episode and this time we welcome Dixon Wu! He is the founder of the RETRO.HK Gaming Expo and an avid videogamer since earliest childhood days. Currently residing in Hong Kong, Dixon is an Entrepreneur, UX/Gaming Consultant + Designer, who has taken part in numerous mobile applications, online game platforms and startup projects as the lead consultant. Tune in for some interesting insights! (Interview starts at 2:29 minutes)

Posted by Nafcom on May 29, 2022 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #94 - The Yandex Computer Museum - The Russian Retro and Demoscene

There is a massive knowledge gap regarding what is going on in Russia and how it all started with the demoscene and retro scene in general in a country that is mostly known for sending us Tetris with love. AJ and Joerg talk to the the Founder of the museum Pavel Anokhin and to the Technical Manager Oleg Senin about what is going on in Russia in those regards. The interview starts at 9:45

Posted by Nafcom on Aug 25, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #91 - From Vultures to Vampires with David Pleasance

David Pleasance is the former marketing director for Commodore, and gained notoriety for his use of software bundles to sell computers, especially in the UK. He's also the author of "Commodore - The Inside Story", which detailed the internal workings of Commodore during its waning years. He's following this book up with a look at the Amiga: "From Vultures to Vampires", which looks at what became of Amiga after Commodore vanished into the mist. David joins AJ and Joerg today to talk about his time at Commodore, how other companies can carry on the torch, and about his new book, which is on Kickstarter. (Interview beings at 24:00)

Posted by Nafcom on Jul 03, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #49 - Neohabitat with Steve Salevan

Habitat was one of the precursors of the modern MMORPG: in the 1980s and 1990s, it was an immersive graphical world populated by C64 users in real-time, through the Quantumlink network. AJ and Joerg talk to developer Steve Salevan about the challenges in resurrecting Habitat and why this unique chapter of computing history is important today.

Posted by AJ on Jul 15, 2018 // Read more »