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Video Interview with Stello Doussis

Stello Doussis is a veteran graphic designer, coder and composer, mostly recognized for for the cool soundtrack of Game Boy Color games such as "Happy Hippo" for the Kinder Surprise brand! In this interview he talks about how he started with is love for game music, learned how to code, do graphics and finally was able to turn his love for music into an employment to make a living. He also covers his steps working on music on the C64 for the cracking and demoscene. Learn more about the process of creating Game Boy (Color) music and how he tried to squeeze more out of the system's sound hardware than what he used to hear before. Also he shares stories about working on games for the pre-smartphone mobile phones (J2ME devices) with tiny screens and crude possibilities! A journey not to be missed!

Posted by Nafcom on Oct 24, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #96 - The Retro Gaming Scene in Venezuela with Pedro Planas

Pedro Planas is a computer game retro composer and a YouTuber from Caracas, Venezuela. Not only he shares his passion for video and computer game music, but also gives us an inside about what is going on regarding the retro scene in his country and why it became harder in the last 11 years for the video game companies to leave a footprint. The interview starts at 13:14 mins.

Posted by Nafcom on Sep 30, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #94 - The Yandex Computer Museum - The Russian Retro and Demoscene

There is a massive knowledge gap regarding what is going on in Russia and how it all started with the demoscene and retro scene in general in a country that is mostly known for sending us Tetris with love. AJ and Joerg talk to the the Founder of the museum Pavel Anokhin and to the Technical Manager Oleg Senin about what is going on in Russia in those regards. The interview starts at 9:45

Posted by Nafcom on Aug 25, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #92 - MINBEKKER

Min and Mina Bekker have it all: an enormous YouTube following, two awesome game releases, and even an amazing love story to tie it all together. Now, they're sitting down with AJ and Joerg to discuss their games, Black Bekker and Takelshin, how they got to be where they are, and what drives them forward. (Interview begins at 26:22)

Posted by Derision on Jul 21, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #88 - Digital Retro Park with Stefan Pitsch and Falk Heinzelmann

The Digital Retro Park is one of the premier museums of digital culture. Falk Heinzelmann and Stefan Pitsch are the guys who started it all, and they've taken some time to talk to AJ and Joerg about the museum, as well as take us on a virtual tour while we're all stuck at home! (interview starts at 10:05)

Posted by Derision on Apr 27, 2020 // Read more »

A Message from Scene World (April 2020)

As we all go through these unprecedented, socially isolated times together, AJ and Joerg have a quick message for everyone looking for ways to pass the time.

Posted by Derision on Apr 26, 2020 // Read more »

Merman has a look at the new bobr games: unboxing & gameplay

our #Merman has a look at the new bobr games: unboxing & gameplay

Posted by Nafcom on Mar 30, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #83 - Intellivision!

Intellivision was one of the absolute pioneers in the video game industry, starting all the way back in 1979 with the original Intellivision console. Now in 2020, they're back with a new console called the Amico, which promises to rekindle some of the actual fun that video games used to be. AJ and Joerg talk to Intellivision CEO Tommy Tallarico and European president Hans Ippisch about how this all began and how they're bringing Intellivision into the 21st century while honoring its long legacy. Also, watch AJ struggle to keep his mic from falling over. (Interview begins at 7:00)

Posted by Derision on Feb 04, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #82 - Welle:Erdball

Welle:Erdball has been making music for almost 30 years, and the Commodore 64 has been an integral part of their unique sound since the beginning. Joerg and AJ talk to W:E members Honey and MissMoonlight about their musical process, what it means to them to be able to create art at this level, and the importance that the C64 plays in their music. (Interview begins at 35:49)

Posted by Derision on Jan 21, 2020 // Read more »

Podcast Episode #81 - Kick-Off II World Cup with Frank Fuhrmann and Oliver Stender

Kick-Off II is one of the most difficult football (or soccer, if you're NTSC) games to master. Oliver Stender and Frank Fuhrmann have done just that, though, and their skill has lead to them being two of the highest ranked players to take part in the Kick-Off II World Cup -- championships that are still being held today. AJ and Joerg talk to them about what draws them to this game, as well as the challenges of keeping a vintage game championship series relevant and entertaining in the 21st century. (Interview starts at 21:34)

Posted by Derision on Dec 30, 2019 // Read more »