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Podcast Episode #149 - Espacio Tec

We're happy to welcome Sebastián and Francisco from the Espacio Tec Museum in Argentina. Espacio Tec is a museum dedicated to describing the history and evolution of information technology around the world, particularly in Argentina, a process in which the city of Bahía Blanca - where the museum is located - played a singular role. Drawing on a large and ever growing collection of computer equipment, consoles and calculating machines, the museum aims to establish a permanent exhibition in a multipurpose space capable of hosting a range of activities, including exhibitions, and meetings of related groups and organizations. The interview starts at minute 06:15

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Promo: Andrzej "Unjello" Lichnerowicz:


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Posted on Sep 27, 2022 by Nafcom


Podcast, Espacio Tec, Argentina, computer museum, Museum