He started out 1986 as a coder for the well-known computer game developing studio "Rainbow Arts".
He also was staff member of various Computec magazines starting 1990, such as Play Time or PC Games.
In 1992, he was leading editor of Amiga Games, 1993 of SEGA Magazin.
He was also founded the magazine N-Zone in 1997 and PlayZone in 1998.
2001, he was also leading editor of the Club Nintendo Magazine.
In 2001, he started having his career in leading roles at the Computec Publishing, in 2009 he became its CEO.
In this interview he talks about his career and several stations of his life, as a coder, magazine editor, publisher and many other video game related journeys throughout his 30 years ongoing career!
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Posted on Mar 03, 2016 by Nafcom
video, Hans Ippisch, Rainbow Arts, Kangarudy, Danker Freak, Bad Cat, CP, Computec, interviews