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The most eclectic and the world's only C64 NTSC & PAL diskmag


First time live on our own channel!

Konami USA was kind enough to send us a review code for PES 2016 for Steam, so this enabled us to play against each other LIVE and on Twitch!


... Note: I know that my mic level is too low and that some parts have no audio (Twitch took it out because of copyright claims of some of the music and OBS Multiplatform crashed when I have tried to record locally! But you can see that we have had a lot of fun!!! :D

We are taking part in the fund-raising via ExtraLife as part of the Frag Dolls Team for the 24h playing marathon on the November the 7th 2015!

Check out our twitch channel on that day! :

Thanks to Konami USA for the review copy! 

As the video is not viewable in Germany, scroll down for the same video hosted on our Vimdeo channel!


 For viewers in Germany: 

And here is the OST that is played at the beginning of the recording: